Saturday, December 27, 2008

My favorite Kiwis

I looooove Flight of the Conchords.
They are so cute.
What I want for my birthday, officially:
the whole first season on DVD.

You Know Who's Sexy?


damn son he is foiiiinnneeee
watch Atonement with me
you'll understand.
I could look at him allllllllllllllllllllll fucking day.


My family has problems with being quiet. We scream at each other and we push each other's buttons all the time, but today I got sick of it. It's not like I'm not used to the constant irritation that comes with being in my family, but I think people should know when they should stop. It's pretty much a basic social thing.

Christmas and Family

It's been 2 days since Christmas, and the glow hasn't worn off completely, which I think is a good thing. I got a lot of stuff for Christmas, which was super nice. I got the perfume I wanted, plus Atonement, WHICH IS THE BEST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN IN A LONG LONG TIME (could possibly be at the same level of amazingness as Titanic), and this yummy Burberry stuff (Burberry Brit- it's all vanilla-y and scrumptious). I'm in Katy at the moment, at Aunt Tina's house, and I love it here.

I'm getting paid to sit here and be on the computer, basically, since Avery and Sam are playing together, McKenna's with everyone else looking at houses for Tina and Greg to buy, Zack's watchin Batman in the guest room, and Ellie's taking a nap in Avery's room.

The whole family thing is amazing, and I love getting together with my family, but it can be overwhelming when you have a 4 year old and a 3 year old who have trouble waiting their turns to open presents, an adorable 1 year old is toddling around wearing your size 10 shoes (braaaand new) and pulling at your hair with fingers that are sticky with cookie icing. But they're my family, my super loud, obnoxious family.

This is the best gig in the world, actually. Ave and Sam are in the backyard shooting marshmallows at each other, my brother is leaving me alone, and Ellie is sleeping. I just fixed the little two lunch ("I want 2 cold hot dogs Katie don't even put them in the microwave" said Sam and Avery said "I want 1 hot dog, jutht warm and cut in half pleath with ketchup thankth" with her adorable little lisp) and I can't wait for Ellie to wake up because she's finally an exciting baby. She has an ATTITUDE and has a shoe obsession (yessssssss) and looooves to wear hairbows. She's finally talking a little and walking around on her wobbly baby legs. She's absolutely gorgeous and loves me more than McKenna (FINALLY A COUSIN WHO LOVES ME MORE THAN MS. MONTESSORI HOUSEWIFE CHILD MAGNET!!). It's GREAT.

And the best part? I get paid to adore midgets.